Harvest Thanksgiving items for 2020 Harvest
Kindly find below a list of items that can be monitised for our harvest Thanksgiving this year.
Society / Organisation should endeavour to pick an item that would have their name on it.
Altar lights:
2 Chandeliers @N50,000.00 each
Fittings for the altar:
3 chairs for the altar @N15,000 each
8 chairs with kneelers for altar servers @N10,000 each
2 chairs with kneelers for lectors @N10,000 each
Confessional @N20,000 each
Cimborium @ N150,000 each
Chalice @ N100,000 each
Tlies per square metre..N3,000
Granite @ N21,000 per square Meter
Marble @ N25,000 per square Meter
Projector @ N100,000.00 each
Furniture for the sacristy:
Cabinets @ N55,000 each
Wardrobes @ N45,000 each
Pews @ N50,000.00 each
We encourage us, to key into this and may our sacrifices of praise be acceptable in God's sight through Christ our Lord. Amen!