Chaplaincy Spotlight
Sunday Masses Schedule
Sunday: 07:00am & 09:00am
Holy Hour
Every Sunday: 6.30pm - 07:30pm
Know Your Faith
2nd & 4th Sunday: 5.00pm
Weekday Masses Schedule
Monday - Friday: 6:15am
Saturday: 07:00am
Monday: 12:Noon (Students & Staff)
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 6:30pm
Wednesday Adoration
Every 1st and 2nd wednesday: 6.30pm
1st Saturday: 08:00am
Infant Baptism Preparatory Class
Every last Sunday of the Month: Immediately after the Second Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation
After Morning Masses: Saturday
Marriage Class
Every Sunday: 02:00pm
General Office Hours
Monday, Tues, Fri: 09:00am - 04:00pm
Wed: 09:00am - 01:00pm
Break-Time: 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Thursday: Off day
Chaplain Office Hours
Tuesdays & Fridays
Time: 09:00am - 01:00pm
Father's Off Day - Thursday
Personal Devotion In Church
Monday - Saturday: 09:00am - 06:00pm
Sunday: 12:00noon - 06:00pm
Catechism / Confrimation Class
Sunday: 04:00pm


Posted on:September 26th, 2020


Heavenly Father,

we your Children of St. Augustine Chaplaincy Akoka

come before your throne of Love and Mercy,

in Thanksgiving for the numerous blessings on us in times past.

You granted us a harvest of divine overflow and manifested yourself to us despite our unworthiness.

Father, this year we come before you

with our hearts full of thanksgiving

as we plan to complete the place of worship you have called us to build

to the greater glory of your holy name.

We know that you are a faithful God

who created out of nothing

and so we beseech you to grant us all we need

to build for you despite the situation of our Country and World.

O Lord we ask for your favour and blessings over us and our family members.

We beg you to heal our world of this coronavirus

and grant us generosity of hearts as we offer our Harvest of Thanksgiving to you.

We beg you to accept our offerings and meet us at the points of our needs

so that we can witness and testify of your goodness during this year's harvest of thanksgiving.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.
