Chaplaincy Spotlight
Sunday Masses Schedule
Sunday: 07:00am & 09:00am
Holy Hour
Every Sunday: 6.30pm - 07:30pm
Know Your Faith
2nd & 4th Sunday: 5.00pm
Weekday Masses Schedule
Monday - Friday: 6:15am
Saturday: 07:00am
Monday: 12:Noon (Students & Staff)
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 6:30pm
Wednesday Adoration
Every 1st and 2nd wednesday: 6.30pm
1st Saturday: 08:00am
Infant Baptism Preparatory Class
Every last Sunday of the Month: Immediately after the Second Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation
After Morning Masses: Saturday
Marriage Class
Every Sunday: 02:00pm
General Office Hours
Monday, Tues, Fri: 09:00am - 04:00pm
Wed: 09:00am - 01:00pm
Break-Time: 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Thursday: Off day
Chaplain Office Hours
Tuesdays & Fridays
Time: 09:00am - 01:00pm
Father's Off Day - Thursday
Personal Devotion In Church
Monday - Saturday: 09:00am - 06:00pm
Sunday: 12:00noon - 06:00pm
Catechism / Confrimation Class
Sunday: 04:00pm


Verse 1

Amidst God’s Holy presence

Before the open heavens

We vouch our utmost self-giving

To God’s glory and man’s salvation

For our chaplaincy blessed growth

Yes arise for surely we can


O great Holy St. Augustine

Defender of our truth and faith

You proclaimed God with mind so sublime

And built a community that withstood time

May we like you devote ourselves

To serve our brethren heartily

And live with God for ever happily

Verse 2

As one big joyful family

With the priests and faithful religious

Winning souls for no worldly gain

May love, peace and unity reign

Let’s arise for if we truly will

By God’s grace we surly can

Verse 3

When friends and the world fail us

He will pick us up and lead the way

When darkness seem to separate us

His divine light shall always stay

Oh arise, for if we truly will

By God grace we surly can

Verse 4

May God the Father bless our work

And the Son our lives redeem

That our efforts be made holy

By the Holy Spirit’s curing fire

Then we’ll arise, for we truly can

Yes, by God’s grace we surely can

St. Augustine ......Family United in Love (3 times)

May God Bless St. Augustine Catholic Chaplaincy Akoka,

Now and forever (3 times)